Sunday, December 19, 2010

When you Argue for your Limitations, You get to keep them, Does this make you think?

Friday, December 17, 2010

As a Man Thinketh

What role does thoughts play in molding human character?

A man is the sum total of his own thoughts. Whatever thoughts a man holds in his mind for a long period of time, that is what he attracts and ultimately becomes. "As a man thinketh, so is he". Just truly as the simple law of sowing and reaping, the nature of the thoughts you put in your brain determines the output. Human mind is just like an uncultivated land but has enormous potential than that of a land and is extremely mysterious. Just as weeds grow automatically in a barren land, if we do not control the things that we put in our brain, negativity starts to pile up.

Thoughts become things. What we hold in our mind is automatically accepted by our subconscious brain and it starts to act towards its fulfillment.
These thoughts lead to actions.
Actions lead to Habits.
Habits lead to character
& Character is what shapes our destiny.

"Act is the blossom of thought, and joy and suffering are its fruits; thus does a man garner in the sweet and bitter fruitage of his own husbandry"(James Allen). From this, you could clearly see that every circumstance that you have in your life can be traced back to the cause-the corresponding thoughts. Every pain and suffering as well as happiness and contentment can be traced back to the similar nature of thoughts that created those emotions or circumstances.  

Thought in the mind hath made us. What we are
By thought we wrought and built. If a man's mind
Hath evil thoughts, pain comes on him as comes
The wheel the ox behind . . . If one endure in purity
of thought joy follows him as his own shadow - sure.

Thoughts are the causes whereas circumstances are the effects of thoughts. So, if you do not like the circumstance that you are in, what should you do? Of course, change your thoughts but I see a lot of people fighting with the circumstances and getting frustated. By common sense, you should be fighting with the cause instead of effect for you cannot change the outcome unless you change the input.

I know its a fight everyday to keep yourself positive. Negative is automatic and every single day, from the time you wake up till the time you hit the pillow, there are going to be tons of negative stuffs that life is going to throw at you. But as long as you keep postivie uplifting thoughts in your mind and not let negativity take you down, you are going to make a difference.

Remember, A positive self-image is a foundation for success in any endeavor. The only way you can develop a positive self-image is by stopping the negative and putting in tons of positive in your brain everyday through reading, listening, praying and association.The day the positive information in your brain outnumbers your negative information, you will start to see the change in your life.

You are the Greatest Miracle that God created. And finally remember, someone's opinion of you does not have to be your reality. It's what you think of yourself that matters.Set out to Achieve your Dreams and work on your goals everyday with a positive mental attitude.

Carpe Diam !!!



Monday, November 22, 2010


What is the essence of Leadership?

Leadership is influence.At the end of the day, the significance of our life boils down to "how many people have better lives" because you lived? And i believe that's the question every aspiring leader should ask himself. Leadership is not about how many people serve you, its about how many people you have served despite all the circumstances that you came across. When you shine through these challenges of life and take people's excuses away and show them a better way to live their lives, you are a leader.One thing that a leader should always keep in mind is to give a hand down to somebody who's following him and have a hands up to whoever he/she is following. It should never be lonely at the top.

A leader sees people not as what they are but as what they can be? He gives them shoes that are way bigger than their size but also gives them the time and the environment to grow into those sizes. That's the essence of leadership. He pumps life into 'em, uplifts 'em, edifies 'em and shows them what's ahead of them when they themselves can't even see in their wildest imagination.

Moreover, i believe a leader dreams big. He has a vision, a goal in his mind and he is reminding his people of those vision and pumping belief into them. An average person's dream expands as far as his material possessions and well being whereas a leader's  dream covers hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions. A leader is constantly thinking about how he can serve other people and help them achieve their goals and dreams, the bigger the dream you have, the more people you help. Zig Ziglar once said" You can have anything you want in life, if you help enough people what they want". That's what leadership is all about. Its about rising above your self centered deeds and inspiring people, sharing dreams and giving hope to people. Afterall, the greatest gift that one human can give another human is the "Gift of Hope".

Finally, a leader is not afraid to take risks. They say, everything that you want in life is just beyond your comfort zone". So, our goal is to strectch ourselves every single day and expand our comfort zone and the only way i know of if is by taking risks. In his book, "A Radical Edge" Steve Farber talks about Oh Snap Moments (OSMs) in the life of a leader. How many "Oh Snap Moments" did you have in your life last couple of weeks? If you had a comfortable, predictable week, it is very likely that you are not growing and you are not prepared for Leadership. There are countless minefield in the path to Leadership and that's what these moments prepare you for.

Another essential characteristic of a leader is have "Positive Mental Attitude". Your attitude determines your altitude. Your attitude towards a certain work determines your achievement in that specific field. Greatest author and philopsopher Normant Vincent Peale puts it this way, "If you think in positive terms, you'll get positive results, if you think in negative terms, you'll get negative results ". So, check regularly how your mindset is, read and listen everyday to keep your attitude positive. You will be on your way from survival to stability,from stability to success and finally to a life of significance.

-Manish Thapa
