Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Power of Faith

There might have been times in your life when you did not believe in yourself of you thought you lacked something other successful people had. You just have to remember that you have unlimited power within yourself and all you need is to believe and call upon them and you'll perform miracles. Any successful person you see have gone through the phase.Someone, something, gave them a new belief in themselves and a new faith in their power to win—and they leaped ahead and wrested success from seemingly certain defeat.

There is a story of a country boy who was afraid of his own shadow  and used to be made fun of and harassed. Every boy in the countryside bedeviled him. Until one day his grandmother gave him a talisman that she assured him his grandfather had carried through the Civil War and which, so she said, had the property of making its owner invincible. Nothing could hurt him, she told him, while he wore this talisman. Nothing could stand up against him. He believed her. And the next time the bully of the town started to cuff him around, he wiped up the earth with him. And that was only the start. Before the year was out,  he had made a reputation as the most daring soul in the community.( R. Collier)

Then, when his grandmother felt that he was thoroughly cured, she told him the truth—that the "talisman" was merely a piece of old junk she'd picked up by the roadside—that she knew all he needed was faith in himself, a belief that he could do these things. He had it inside of him all this time but he needed somebody to call upon those powers and empower him by revealing him his own riches. On the same note, there are times in our lives when we need somebody (like the boy's grandmother) to believe in us and remind us of our unlimited potential. And if you learn from that, you could do the same to another human being who's struggling in the trenches and give a ray of hope just like the movie " Pay it Forward".

Thank You
