Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How do you define Success?

By nature, man's mind is designed to succeed. We are by far the most intelligent beings that ever existed. Our mental capacity is far more superior to any super computer that man has ever created. But why is it that so many people still seem to be wandering in the wilderness looking for success and not knowing where to get it. How do you define success and what could you possibly do to be successful?

Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his book "Psycho-cybernetics" explains that human mind works under the psycho-cybernetic mechanism. Let me take some time to explain what a cybernetic mechanism is. Imagine two ships in a harbor, the 1st ship has experienced sailors, maps and all the equipments they need and most importantly a destination. 9,999 out of 10,000 times, the ship reaches its destination because there are people guiding the ship and they know where they are going. Now let's take another ship, give them no crew, no captains, no destination, just start the engine and let it go, i am sure you agree that if it gets out of the harbor at all, it will probably end up in a deserted beach or derelict.(Earl Nightingale, The Strangest Secret)In a similar fashion, humans need to know where they are going and they should constantly feed their mind on a daily basis the thoughts of their specific goals. If you do this, your mind will automatically go to work for you without your conscious mind even knowing about it. And this is the cybernetic mechanism our mind works under which deliberately leads us towards the path to success.

Success is nothing but the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. It is an active pursuit of a predetermined goal. A person who has defined his major purpose in life and is doing something about it every single day is successful. Success is a man who teaches at a school because that's what he wants to do and is improving on teaching skills every day, success is a woman who is a good mother to her kids because that is what her life's aim is, success is a salesman who is looking for clients to provides product or services to because that is what his predetermined goal. Thus, you could also be instantaneously successful, if you decide on a goal and at this very moment, start working towards it. Instead of competing, think of what you can create and develop that to a certain level.

So why is everyone not successful if it is that simple? Because only 1 out of 100 people actually take the time to do this.A person who is thinking about a definite and worthwhile goal is going to reach it because that is what he thinks about. Conversely, a person who has no goals and doesn't know where he's going and has thoughts of fear, anxiety and worry, that is what he manifests. if he thinks about nothing, he becomes nothing.

So why do people not use their brain and think? Why do they not take the time to sit down and write down what they actually want in life? Earl Nightingale also explains the reason behind it.According to him, human beings have got the brain for free and by our very nature, we don't appreciate the things that came for free. We seem to give importance to the things that we paid money for like the house, the television, the computer, etc. But if you look really close, the best things in life come for free. Our mind,imagination, hope, faith, ambition, intelligence, love of family and country, everything comes to us for free. The things that we actually pay money for are in reality, very cheap. They can be wiped out and gained back again in no time. A good man who has the power to control his thoughts and attitude can get back and that even in ten folds in return to what he has lost.

Therefore, we should take the time to understand the biggest kept secret, we are the sum total of our own thoughts. Whatever we think about, we have the power to manifest. So, you also have to chance to be successful as of right now, if you sit down, figure out your main aim in life, be it anything, come up with a game plan and start working on it immediately. One important thing you have to consider is that the only limitations are the ones you put to yourself. Don't be afraid to dream because dreamers of yesterday who had the courage to be laughed at has made our world a better place and we have the same potential that we can pass on to the next generation. WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.

Finally, remember this famous quote :
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."-R.W. Emerson

Thank You


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